A Cambridge Update!

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This year we congratulated Zak, from our Sixth Form class of 2023, on his four A* grades at A Level and his acceptance to The University of Cambridge. Zak has stayed in touch with Hertswood since moving on to university, and we are proud to see him continuing to thrive.

"My time at Sixth Form was one of the most challenging and enjoyable parts of my life so far. There was no way I could’ve handled my A levels and excelled in the way I did without having some of the most genuine and caring teachers I’ve ever known.

"As much as I was happy to see off A Levels, I do genuinely miss the Sixth Form sometimes and will always be thankful for the experience I had and the people who made it possible."

We are delighted to be able to share pictures from Zak's Matriculation Day (when he was formally accepted into the University), his 'Doctor Who' formal dinner, his 3rd place finish with his rowing crew this term, and the Oxbridge annual skiing trip in Tignes.

"Tignes was amazing and somehow I was able to ski down the slopes without falling over by the end of the week! None of that would’ve been possible without Hertswood (and all of my teachers) so I wanted to give an update and say thanks again!"