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Following Ofsted's visit in July we are pleased to report, despite the pandemic slowing down our progress, we have continued on our journey of change and lots of improvements have been made. The inspectors have highlighted positive developments in different aspects of the school:

Overall Progress

  • Leaders, supported by trustees and the local authority, have begun to make positive changes to the school. The pandemic, however, has slowed a lot of their work.
  • Arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Teaching and Learning

  • Across the school, reading is a key feature of school life. Pupils read widely in class, experiencing a range of interesting and engaging texts from different genres and cultures.
  • Staff know, and use well, appropriate phonics programmes to teach pupils to read.
  • Many teachers have good subject knowledge.


  • New behaviour routines with higher expectations have led to improvements. Pupils are increasingly being respectful towards their peers and teachers, particularly when in lessons.
  • Leaders have raised the bar with regard to what type of behaviour is expected in the school. There is a clear set of rewards and sanctions. Personal Development is good.

Personal Development and Extra-Curricular Activities

  • Personal Development is rated "Good".
  • There is a growing number of clubs, trips and experiences. ... Pupils that attend clubs, such as ‘robotics’ take part in national competitions.

Vulnerable Students and those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

  • Leaders have improved aspects of school provision for some of the most vulnerable pupils. There is a clear process to support pupils who find reading tricky.
  • Information about pupils with SEND is shared with teachers. Teachers are using this information with increasing effectiveness to improve the support that pupils with SEND receive.

Sixth Form

  • The Sixth Form provision is rated "Good".
  • The Sixth Form is a harmonious community where students support and care for one another. They are excellent role models for younger pupils.
  • Students in the Sixth Form are well prepared for their next step in life.
  • Pupils and students in the Sixth Form access a well planned personal, health and economic education curriculum. Pupils learn about topics such as finance and relationships. They benefit from clear independent careers advice and guidance.
  • The Sixth Form curriculum is clearly designed and implemented well by teachers . Assessment is appropriate and linked clearly to the key knowledge taught. Students progress well.
  • Sixth Form students ... enjoy their trips abroad to places such as Italy.


Areas for Improvements and Action Being Taken in Response

Whilst inspectors noted that most students and their families are engaging positively with school life, we still have improvements to make, particularly with some students and families who have found the pandemic most challenging. To that end, we have already launched a number of strategies including:

  • A ‘Student Engagement Team’ leader for each year group : These staff, working closely with the Head of Learning, will engage directly with the most vulnerable students and their families during the school day, helping ensure that these students are fully benefiting from school life.
  • A free breakfast for students from families in need of assistance to ensure that students are on time and are ready for the school day.
  • An expansion of alternative provision opportunities to engage vulnerable students.
  • A Parent Teacher Association starting in the Autumn Term 2022 to involve parents more fully in school life.

We are working hard to improve Hertswood Academy and look forward to all students and families working with us to develop a truly cohesive community.

Ofsted - Hertswood Academy | OFSTED.GOV.UK

Ofsted Report 2022 | PDF


Ofsted Website Quotes   2022 2

Ofsted Website Quotes   2022 1

Latest Tweets

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@ HertswoodUK - Jul 22, 2024
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📰📅 Find a full run-down of news and pictures from 's fantastic 2024 summer term, at https://t.co/eBtHth1FsPWe wish everyone a restful and very enjoyable summer break! pic.twitter.com/MCCp3hguG7
@ HertswoodUK - Jul 19, 2024
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🏆 We are excited to announce that 's House Cup for 2024 goes to 🟦Cavendish, with a stunning 73,500 House Points!The result was announced in year group assemblies today, along with many awards to recognise the hard work of individual students across the Academy. pic.twitter.com/Iiq2btSDLu
@ HertswoodUK - Jul 19, 2024
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@ HertswoodUK - Jul 19, 2024
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Congratulations to 🟥Somerville on their overall win at our fantastic Sports Day to mark the final week of term!🟦Cavendish and 🟨Somerville came a close joint second, with 🟩Darwin taking the final spot.Well done 's students and staff who made the day a success. pic.twitter.com/zfzjpaRtWm
@ HertswoodUK - Jul 19, 2024
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🎶🎸🥁🎙🎨 Well done to the students across for their outstanding performances at Tuesday's Summer Arts Evening!Some of the performers are near the end of their time at the Academy, but others in Year 7 took the stage after starting with their instruments this year! pic.twitter.com/k7WCW7bVOR
@ HertswoodUK - Jul 18, 2024
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Incredible job team! Congratulations and thank you 💗
@ HertswoodUK - Jul 17, 2024
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Congratulations to 's Year 8 on raising a whopping £1,624 for Cancer Research UK , through the last week! 👟 pic.twitter.com/vSrhkAjmze
@ HertswoodUK - Jul 17, 2024
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@ HertswoodUK - Jul 16, 2024
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@ HertswoodUK - Jul 15, 2024
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@ HertswoodUK - Jul 12, 2024
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@ HertswoodUK - Jul 11, 2024
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@ HertswoodUK - Jul 10, 2024
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@ HertswoodUK - Jul 09, 2024
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@ HertswoodUK - Jul 08, 2024
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As we welcome 's new Sixth Form Senior Team, including new Head Boy and Head Girl, Harry and Amy, we thank our departing Head Students, Daniel and Emily, for all they have achieved! pic.twitter.com/kuWPxxbPDj
@ HertswoodUK - Jul 03, 2024
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Year 12 Photography students have gone back in time to manual shooting and processing 35mm film. Our in-house photo studio has been transformed into a working dark room. Their hard work has resulted in some outstanding pieces. Well done Year 12! pic.twitter.com/EHUD11hfin
@ HertswoodUK - Jul 03, 2024
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@ HertswoodUK - Jul 03, 2024
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We are delighted to announce 's new Sixth Form Senior Team after a selection process involving presenting to other year groups in assemblies.The team have already begun their work, meeting with the Headteacher and Sixth Form Team to discuss their ideas for the Academy. pic.twitter.com/7W35BGXJhB
@ HertswoodUK - Jun 27, 2024
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🟦🖼 Great work by 's Year 10 Photography students this week on the vintage camera-less process of Cyanotypes. pic.twitter.com/oUMfDZGfbN
@ HertswoodUK - Jun 26, 2024
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