Young Carers Interview

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Earlier this term, Abbie (Year 10) took part in a video project to share the importance of support for Young Carers. For Abbie, being a Young Carer means that she gets the opportunity to care for her mum and her siblings, which she enjoys a lot, but also gets support herself. She found out about the Young Carers service through Hertswood, and she has found it incredibly useful. "If the service wasn't here I would feel a bit stuck, and wouldn't know what to do."

Abbie was interviewed by a professional team, discussing several projects her Young Carer group has been involved with, including the design of a 'YC Health Journal', and providing voiceover for an animation about the experiences of being a Young Carer. She said that being part of these projects has given her more confidence, and more reasons to be proud of herself.