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As a Science Faculty, our key aim is to engage all students and help them to identify and understand the science in the world around them. Through our curriculum, we aspire to equip learners with a variety of transferable skills that can be applied in the workplace, across a range of careers, not only in the field of Science. We strive to constantly evaluate and evolve our curriculum, to ensure that students’ knowledge is built up in a logical and incremental way which is vital for a thorough understanding of complex scientific concepts.

Our Curriculum, both at Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4, focuses on assessing cumulative knowledge and skills to gain a better understanding of our students’ command of Science, whilst also identifying detailed targets for development.

Key Stage 3

At Key Stage 3 Hertswood students study physics, which is delivered through one of the three periods of science per week.

In Physics, Year 7 learn about three key topics, providing the building blocks for the knowledge in Year 8 and 9. The topics are: 

  • Energy
  • Forces
  • Waves

The common thread throughout Key Stage 3 is guiding students to develop knowledge of the Physics that surrounds them and how the interactions of matter and energy are an integral part of everyday life. Students demonstrate their knowledge through regular assessment and practical work and additionally learn about areas such as health and safety in the laboratory and careers in physics related disciplines.

Key Stage 4

For GCSE, students study science for four periods per week. In physics, the course covers the theoretical foundations of the subject starting with energy, how it is transformed and used for useful work. The course then goes on to look at electricity, what it is, how it is generated and the environmental issues that surround it, before looking at particles, atomic structure and radioactivity. Finally, the course looks at waves in sound and light forces and completes with a look at physics in the wider universe. It also develops students’ practical and data analysis skills. The course is fast-paced, so good attendance is required to ensure the students keep up with the content and do not miss essential practical work. This qualification is essential for students who want to take a Level 3 course in science. Students have gone on to professions such as engineering and some to teaching courses or access courses for entry to other University degrees.

Key Stage 5

A Level physics is an up-to-date, relevant course which suits students who possess an inquiring mind and ask “how?” when faced with a new experience.  Above all, Physics is the science that underlies all other branches of science and attempts to explain how everything in the universe works.  The course is intended to give a broad vision of how physics is done today and starts by exploring motion, forces and energy and how we use modern techniques to predict and plan motion, accident prevention and how materials behave.  Students taking Physics often find employment in medicine, computing and finance. Typical sectors where physicists are found include; Research and Development, Medical Physics, Telecommunications and Design and Production.





Year 7

Earth and the solar system





Year 8

Friction and pressure

Magnets and Electromagnets

Work and energy


Year 9

Energy and power

Electricity and generation

Particle model of matter

Atomic structure and radiation

Year 10 GCSE


Sound and light

Magnetic fields and electromagnets

Year 11 GCSE

Separate science content and exam preparation

Exam preparation



Year 12 A Level

Fundamental Physics, Forces and Moments

Waves and Electricity

Particle Physics and Periodic Motion

Year 13 A Level

Thermal Physics and Engineering Physics

Fields and their consequences and Nuclear Physics



Independent Learning Resources

  • The Knowledge
  • Quizlet
  • Century
  • CGP Revision and Workbook